Day 21: A Letter To Someone Who Is Broken


Another Beautiful Zaldy Infante Image

Hello Friend,

Is today a good day or a bad day?

I’m sure you’ve had, and will continue to have both. I’m not going to pretend to have all of the answers for you, I won’t even pretend to have any, I’ll just come and sit by you for a while, if that’s okay with you.
I don’t mind if you don’t want to talk, I’m fine with silence, I know that sometimes in the silence we hear the clearest. I just don’t want you to be alone, not even for a moment. No one should walk this path alone, even though thats exactly how it feels. That you’re detached, that the same ground you were conquering yesterday has crumbled around you, leaving you stranded and abandoned on an escarpment built for one. You are facing sharp rocks of grief that tear away at your heart, you are bewildered and disorientated in a blinding fog of powerlessness, and you are battered by storms filled with unanswered questions. Yes, I know what it feels like.

People may try to make you feel better by explaining that you are simply one of many, One of a countless number who have experienced this. They will tell you that endings are simply a part of life. Ignore them. They have no idea what you are feeling.
No one has ever felt this kind of pain, this kind of grief, this kind of loss, because this is your unique torture. This belongs to you.

I don’t mind if you want to cry. Crying isn’t a bad thing. I think that sometimes crying is like bathing a wound that no one else can see, the salt in our tears soothes, and begins the process of healing. It keeps the area clean and free of any bitterness or anger that can get stuck in there if we try to hold everything inside. Crying is the way we acknowledge that something hurts, and I know this is hurting.

I want you to rest. fold yourself into loving arms. I know that you have those around you. Let them carry you for a little while. Anything that is broken must have a time of rest, a time of stillness to let the trauma settle. Don’t worry, the world will keep turning even if you aren’t busy doing all of the things you normally do, and those things will still be there waiting for you when you are ready for them.

You will heal, but yes there will be a scar, however that scar can become something beautiful. You can find the promise within the pain, and you can break through into the sunshine once more. I know it.

So for now my broken friend, I will just sit here beside you and hold your hand. I will keep my breathing steady, so that you have a rhythm to follow. I will be here through it all, in any way you need me.

That is what friendship is all about.

Now close your eyes and rest, the sun will come out again in the morning.

Love Always

Amelia xo

9 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Rebecca Carney - One Woman's Perspective
    Nov 22, 2011 @ 15:07:28

    May every broken “someone” have such a friend as you!!


  2. Irena Kokoris
    Nov 22, 2011 @ 19:46:37



  3. Gin
    Nov 23, 2011 @ 11:22:32

    My broken heart thanks you for your beautiful words. You’ve made me realise that all of my friends and family (whose calls I’ve been ignoring) are just trying to tell me exactly this. Maybe I should let them help me heal…


    • ameliahunter
      Nov 23, 2011 @ 12:30:04

      Gin, I don’t know what you have been going through, but if you have people in your life who care enough to call and want to be around you then you really are blessed. Let them in, they might say the wrong things, that might get it all upside down, but they care enough to try to be there for you. This is so much more than some people have. Pain is a dark and frightening place, but remember when you were little and you would have a nightmare? How much better was it when you simply knew that you weren’t alone? Don’t try to go through this alone. I hope that you see the sunshine again soon. xxoo


  4. Nerida Hawkswood
    Jun 21, 2016 @ 23:44:56

    Thank you Amelia, and thank God for you, these popped up on my news feed and it was something I needed to hear at present time.


  5. Yosef
    Jul 03, 2016 @ 21:09:18

    Amelia.. Your words are so inspiring. Thank you


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