Day 8: A Letter to Someone Going Through The Worst of Times

To my Dear Friend,

I know it hurts right now. I know that it feels like every breath is hard work, but you’re strong, the spark inside you has not gone out – no one has the power to do that to you, you need to remember that. The hard part about what you are going through is that to look at you, no one would know that you are hurting. No one can see the wounds you are trying so hard to keep hidden, except those of us you trust enough to let behind the walls. I cannot tell you how proud I am that you let us in, that you have asked for help instead of trying to cope alone. No one should have to go through this alone.

I want you to know that there is a way through this, that God does have you in His hand and He will see you through. I can’t give you the answers I know you want, I don’t think anyone can, but those questions will cripple you if you let them. They will keep you tied to the past, they’ll keep your eyes upon all of the things you have no power to change.

Sometimes things happen to us, things we don’t have a say in, circumstances can blindside us and all of a sudden we find ourselves stripped to the core of who we are, raw and bleeding. In that moment, when you look around yourself and feel like there is nothing left, it’s then you need to remember that you always have the gift that God gave to every human being. Something that no one can ever take from you.


Only you can choose where you let your thoughts go – upon the trauma and injustice or upon the possibilities in your future. Only you can choose who you surround yourself with – those who support and uplift you or those who feed your misery and keep you trapped. Only you have the choice to keep walking forward or to surrender to despair and drift away, lost in the void of your pain.

Think about it, sure the choice to move forward is difficult, but it’s yours. Think about how empowering that is! Let that power infuse you, let it pour liquid steel through your spine. You have got power, you can fight, you can win. 

It doesn’t mean that there wont be awful days, but what quest doesn’t have it’s challenges. There might be deserts (not desserts :p) but there will also be unexpected streams hidden in those barren places. They will sustain you, and see you through to the next resting place.

You can beat this. I know it, I see the warrior within you. You are a fighter.

Most of all, you are not alone.

All my love xxoo

*Thanks Zaldy for letting me use your amazing picture!

15 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Emily
    Nov 04, 2011 @ 11:45:50

    You are beautiful Amelia, inside and out. Really, truly, your words are strong and God-infused. Be blessed and know that others have been blessed through you. Love Em xxxx


  2. ameliahunter
    Nov 04, 2011 @ 12:54:44

    Wow, Thanks Emily! Taking the time to leave a comment like that really fills up my heart! xo


  3. Nerida hawkswood
    Nov 05, 2011 @ 05:38:01

    Amelia, i hope you don’t mind but i forwarded this on to a young girl who has had just lost both ovaries, as they were covered in cysts. She is 23 and will not be able to have kids, I wants to encourage her though you words. Nerida


  4. Juliet Fieldew (@julietfieldew)
    Nov 06, 2011 @ 07:26:47

    Wow, Amelia I missed this one yesterday, but what a word in season it is. Thank you x.


  5. erica rhodes
    Nov 03, 2012 @ 07:43:17

    thanks for these words it helped and i hope you don’t mind me helping a friend by using this letter.


  6. Susan
    Mar 05, 2013 @ 21:30:11

    Amelia I browsed through the webside trying to find an idea of how to comfort my friend who’s hunband has been in a fitile car accident and he have multiple injuries including a possibility of brian dammage…..She is at her lowest point at this moment…..Then I came across this letter….. I was real touched by your letter and felt like what ever I wanted to say to her you have already said it for me…..hope you would not mind me sending this letter just as is as an encouragement to lift up her spirit


  7. Margaret
    Jan 29, 2014 @ 01:08:13

    My sister under went a stem cell transplant last year and, while all signs of cancer are gone (praise the Lord!), she is very depressed about the effects the drugs have had on her body for the last 9 years. I have been trying to lift her spirits…and this letter did the job!! Beautifully written… God bless you!!


  8. Murat
    Jun 04, 2014 @ 21:53:43

    Amelia as a fella I also shared this with a close College class mate who was really having a really tough period in her life . Cheers and wonderful warm heartfelt
    words indeed . God bless !


  9. todd walters
    Apr 11, 2016 @ 11:20:47

    I sent this to a very special lady in my life who is struggling with life issues, I hope when she reads this that it will help her with her struggles and give her strength, I love her deeply, Todd walters


  10. Elijah Temitope
    Jul 13, 2016 @ 10:26:54

    This is amazing, sending it to my female friend who was raped and now very depressed. Thanks so much for this wonderful scripts


    • ameliahunter
      Jul 22, 2016 @ 17:21:06

      What a horrific thing to have suffered, please also pass on my love and support. I may be a stranger but I understand brokenness and the darkness it brings xx


  11. Elle
    Dec 09, 2016 @ 09:08:31

    I was searching for something to say to someone going through a really tough time. I couldn’t find anything more perfect than this!
    Thank you for your beautiful words .. I know in my heart you are an incredible person! May God guide you in every step!


  12. moredays ikhide friday
    Jun 21, 2019 @ 23:39:10

    Thanks for this wonderful write up. you just revived my hope


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